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Sunday, December 4, 2011

New Site

First I would like to say thank you to everyone who follows this blog. Second, I would like to say I have moved this blog. I will now be posting on It's the actual site for Blue Ships and it's powered by I'm hoping this change will give me more versatility in what I can do with blogs and pages. So far it's working out well. I've already been able to utilize WordPress's categories to draw attention to my contributors (which is the goal of this magazine).

Check out the new site and let me know what you think.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

December Magazine

In case you don't subscribe to the magazine, like it on Facebook, or follow it on Twitter, there will be no October issue of Blue Ships Magazine. I moved to the UK and have been settling in and getting my school schedule together and all of that, so I have been unfortunately occupied for the last couple of months. However, now that most of the dust has settled, I'm back in magazine editor mode. I'm looking to release issue 4 in December. Which also means that I'll be on the hunt for new fantastic talent. It also mean that I'll be updating Blue Ships' Facebook and Twitter more regularly.

Thank you for your patience during my adjustment period. If you want to submit something go here, or even feel free to drop me a line by clicking here or leaving a message in the comments section below or on Facebook or Twitter. Good day mates. I look forward to hearing from you!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Happy August Peeps

It took a while to finagle with my program, but the August issue is up. Check it out here: A big thanks to all who participated!! And a big shout out to Lisa Hase for getting me some submissions from her class, submissions that were actually good. Check out her blog in the links list.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Visual Artists: Where Art Thou..Or Thine...Or Whatever The Plural Is

I have a good amount of lit art for the August magazine, but I'm still low on the visual art. People, where are you? If you are unclear about what I mean by "visual art" I mean anything you can see. That would include, but not limit painters, photographers, graphic artists, and anyone I may have missed. So, if you have work you'd like to send, or hell, maybe you want to be the featured artist for the month, send samples to: Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you quickly!!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Where We're At

At present I am working on issue the 3rd, of this project, which will be out August 1st. So far, it's going well. I have a featured writer for August, which I'm excited about. I hadn't done that yet or even thought about doing it. But this writer's work is so impressive that I really wanted to display most if not all of it. He's got short stories, poetry, and flash fiction. So, I can't wait.

I have not yet decided what I will be writing for the Editor's Corner. I would love to do an interview, however I'm unable to figure out how to get a conversation to record on my cellphone. Some have suggested using gmail's voice option, but I don't have anyone to experiment with to make sure it will work. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to let me know.

Meanwhile, I'm looking for a featured visual artist and would love have more visual art, poetry, and flash fiction to splash around the magazine, give it some spice.  If you're curious about what we accept, please visit the submissions page of this site. Thanks

Saturday, June 18, 2011

new publishing site

Check out the magazine on the new publishing site, Let me know what you think in the comments below.  Thanks.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Another New Site

I am forever on the quest to find the best way to design a web-page for my projects. So this is attempt number i-don't-even-know-anymore. I'm going to try this format for a bit and see how it works out. It's brand new so I'll still be working on it. In the meantime, please feel free to leave a comment about the new site structure. Thanks for your time.

Nadiyah Abdul-Khaliq, Sr Editor