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What We Accept

Art (canvas, graphic design, etc.)
Flash Fiction
Interviews/Essays (artist-on-art)
Short Story
(If it's not on this list, feel free to send an email query.)


Submit via email to
Put the media you sending in the subject line (i.e. poetry, short story, etc.).
Send multiple submissions in a single file.
Each entry must have page number, author's name, and email address in a header.
We accept previously published and simultaneous submissions.  (Please provide where and when work was published).
Rights return to artist upon publication.
One short story will be featured per month.
One short play will be featured per month.
Flash fiction must be between 100-1000 words.
Short story must be between 1001-5000 words.
No rules for poetry.
Both color and b/w art and photography accepted.
Send small bio with work including any contact info that you want to release to the public.
Picture of artist is requested, but is not required and has no effect on acceptance of work.